The core parts of this sequencer were assembled during Modular Collective Instrument workshop (given by Kokomys in Mansedanse 2011 festival) as the master clock for the Instrument. The core has a simple 4060 binary counter with internal clock, with two outputs with 1/4 frequency ratio and a pot for frequency control.
For 101 sequencers project, I expanded the sequencer to have four outputs and external clock signal input, selectable by switch. When the external clock is in use, 4060 performs frequency division, giving out 1/64, 1/256, 1/512 and 1/1024 of the input signal. This will be used to create longer sequences. With one hundred and one sequencers on the stage, we can afford very long sequences also.
Since 4060 is a ripple counter, the circuit also contains an inversion stage, making the different outputs change state in a maybe more musical way. NAND gates are used for inversion instead of simple inverters simply because 4093 was on hand at the moment.